Elders Reading - The book your Pastor wishes you would read (but is too embarrassed to ask)

We discuss a few pages of a book every Elders meeting because we want to keep growing personally as disciples and learning as leaders. Our first book by Christopher Ash was based on Hebrews 13.17 which says: “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority…Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you”
The main part of the book is 7 chapters on how to make a Pastor's life a joy.
1) Daily repentance and eager faith (2 John v4)
“Whatever work they may have left behind they became a Pastor because they dream and yearn and long that men and women should bring honour to God by walking in the truth, by following Jesus with fresh faith and honest repentance as they themselves seek to do.” (pp39-40)
2) Committed belonging (Hebrews 10:24-25)
“You and I have no idea just what a motivating effect our simple regular presence can have…” (p56)
3) Open honesty (2 Corinthians 6:11-13)
“A pretending church demotivates deeply.” (p63)
4) Thoughtful watchfulness (1 Tim 4:12-16)
“We want our Pastors to make progress, both in their godliness and in their doctrine. We do not want them to be static, stuck, stationary. We long for them to be visibly growing. And so we will want to help them.” (p72)
5) Loving kindness (Acts 28:15)
Considers practical care that can make a big difference.
6) High Expectations (1 Timothy 3:1)
Discusses not lowering standards and letting your Pastor get away with sin. His godliness should matter to us all.
7) Zealous submission (1 Peter 5:5)
Considers authority and following the Elders' lead so long as it’s a gospel direction.
Working through this as Elders gave us great encouragement that as someone said “the Tab isn’t miles away.” When I arrived John Woods said: “if they care for you as they have cared for Anne and I you’re in for a lot of love.” And that’s what we’re finding. So we thank God.
The crucial take-home of the book is the need for real partnership between the church membership and leadership. Watching out for, loving and caring for each other. And that most benefit comes to the whole church when the leadership's job is a joy and not a burden.
Do let us know if you’d like to borrow our copies of this. We thought it was so good we’re giving it to all new members from now on.
Book details -
The book your Pastor wishes you would read (and is too embarrassed to ask)
Christopher Ash
The Good Book Company, 2019.
Barnaby, 16/06/2021