Small Groups

Day Time Pastoral Group
10.30am at the Tab monthly on aTuesday.
Many can’t make it out to evening groups, so we’ve started this group especially. It’s a great setting for friendship. We have coffee and cake, sing some favourite hymns, pray, and take another look at the bible passage from Sunday.
Pastoral Groups
7.30pm Tuesdays once a month in homes.
As a family we love to open up our homes. Pastoral groups are set up to support each other, share what’s going on, and pray.
Mum’s Bible Study
10am Tuesdays at the Manse.
It’s hard for mums with little ones to get any time for prayer or the Bible. This is a place for that. Where little ones can play, be nursed, make noise. And mums can share and support each other.
Prayer meetings
Through Jesus we can talk to God as our loving Father. Without prayer we can do nothing.
Three special prayer meetings are:
9.50-10.15am Every Sunday before Church.
Once a month Tuesday Prayer and Praise.
Once a month Sunday Zoom prayer.
Support groups
We run a monthly widow’s group and occasional men’s group. For those unwell we also have a home and hospital visiting team. Please get in contact if you’d value a visit.