Hope – we have it!

“Where else have we to go, you alone have words of eternal life” (John 6.68). So said Peter at a point when most people were abandoning Jesus.
Hope is something everyone is talking about because people recognise that we all need it. Not least with conflicts, COVID, and climate change. But we have it, right under our noses, in the words of Jesus. I’ve been reminded Jesus is the only real hope in several ways recently:
Sitting at a bedside of a Christian who’s dying. I read some words from the Bible and we pray. And it’s an overwhelming privilege. Because anything else anyone could say (however intelligent and poetic) is, at the end of the day, just wishful words. But Jesus' words (“I’m preparing a home for you”) are backed up by his own empty tomb!
Attending a town development meeting in a marquee next to the Tab. Councillors, researchers, big names in Lancing were there to explore how we can create more community. Many good ideas were shared. I think they could make a difference. But I’m sitting there thinking – Jesus has the real key to all this. He takes messed-up people (like all us at the Tab), forgives, fills with his Spirit, puts them in a family, and promises a perfect future
Talking to a neighbour who’s a life coach. He tries to help people get back on their feet and be positive. He asks me what I do and I say “I’m a Pastor which is kind of similar. Jesus came to show that no matter what people have done, feel about themselves, or been treated by others, God loves them enough to die for them. When people get that it totally changes them.”
Preparing a session on Jesus’ return. And read “creation itself will be liberated…” (Roms 8.21). This isn’t a promise of slowing global warming or cleaning up the oceans but of full salvation for creation. When Jesus comes again he promises to put everything right: us, our broken bodies, nations, relations, broken hearts, and our world.
This is why we’re wanting to make a great effort to invite people to our Easter Day service. Where else have people to go? “Jesus alone has words of eternal life.” Please pray, prepare, invite, and join with us on Easter Sunday!
Barnaby, 30/03/2022