What makes an Elder?

One of the things we have been praying about in Elders meetings, and specifically in our recent Elders’ afternoon was for new Elders to be identified, and for them to join the team. Please join us praying.
1 Timothy 3 (and Titus 1) describe the sort of things we should be praying for. The church is precious to God, and he tells us to seek Elders who have these ingredients:
“desire to be an overseer”
A God-stirred longing to love, pray for, and lead his people.
“above reproach”
Not sinless, but men who are openly repenting and growing so there is nothing hidden or that discredits Jesus.
“self-controlled, respectable… gentle, not quarrelsome, faithful…”
Godliness and gentleness are most important.
“able to teach”
Not necessarily preaching but teaching the Bible in some setting. God’s church is led by his Word.
Hospitality can be done differently but it reflects a desire to know and share lives with God’s people.
“must manage his own family well”
Teaching and caring for children is a good training ground for Elders: to carry authority gently, lead prayer and Bible time, encourage and love.
“to lead the household of God”
Elders carry responsibility, leadership and trusteeship.
“he must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited”
Maturity and stability take time. A key virtue needed is humility (the opposite to pride).
“they must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith”
Elders must hold to the Bible’s authority, be clear on doctrine and ready to defend the church family against error. This matter especially in recent times.
“they must first be tested”
Someone already serving in the church. We all have a long way to go but the key is progress (1 Tim 4.15).
There’s some overlap with how you might choose someone for a role at work. But also difference, because God looks for different things. For example character and convictions matter more to God then finding someone who will “get the job done” “be successful” or be “sparky.” Please pray for us as over time (there is no hurry) we seek to add to our team.
Pray for us current Elders. We all feel challenged by this list and in need of your prayers.
The Elders, 29/11/2022