Roland’s reflections
Elder: 1991 - 2024
Being in Eldership for a lengthy period gives the opportunity to develop a longer view of church life. Stepping down from that responsibility also gives an opportunity to share some reflections on some characteristics of the Tab that are very positive, but which we can get so used to, that we take them for granted. Here are three areas that it would be good to consider, with that in mind -
We have a Eldership that, although different in terms of individual skills and backgrounds, knows the reality of supporting one another and working well together. This has been particularly encouraged and developed in recent years. It’s a great blessing to the church when brothers in leadership can dwell together in unity, but sadly it is not the experience of every church, so we should value this, pray for this to continue, and not take it for granted.
We have always had a wide range of ages at the Tab, over many years. It’s a particularly powerful illustration of what it means to be a church family to any visitors that may come in, but there are many churches who tend to reflect one particular demographic, maybe predominantly younger or predominantly older. We must continue to value both ends of the age spectrum, as well as those in the middle, and not take this for granted.
It has sometimes been suggested that the Eldership may lack something because of our scriptural stance on male-only leadership. But this view can undervalue the role of Elders’ wives. It’s true to say that couldn’t do what we do without them. We listen carefully to their views and their input. There is a cost to be the wife or husband of any leader, but it’s perhaps particularly acute in the case of Eldership because of the level of responsibility. All of our wives know what is to have us absent from the home, or if we are at home, to be preparing something, or even if physically present with the family, our minds being elsewhere! So please pray and actively support Elders wives, and their families. Get in touch to encourage them - it will mean a great deal. And don’t take them for granted.
As we look to the future, I believe that as a Fellowship we are the strongest we have been for many years, with much to encourage us in terms of potential, and sustainability. But let’s remember it is God’s work and his church and not ours.